
Irobot Corp (NASDAQ: IRBT) Is The Number One Stock Currently Moving.

Irobot Corp (NASDAQ:IRBT) price closed lower on Friday, December 20, and dropping -0.33% below its previous close. A look at the daily price movement shows that the last close reads $7.47, with intraday deals fluctuated between $7.18 and $7.7. The company’s 5Y monthly beta was


Irobot Corp (IRBT): A Fresh Data-Based Analysis

Irobot Corp (NASDAQ:IRBT) price on Wednesday, December 04, rose 4.97% above its previous day’s close as an upside momentum from buyers pushed the stock’s value to $8.45. A look at the stock’s price movement, the close in the last trading session was $8.05, moving within


Metrics That Matter About Irobot Corp (NASDAQ: IRBT)

Irobot Corp (NASDAQ:IRBT) shares, rose in value on Wednesday, November 20, with price down by -9.64% to the previous day’s close as strong demand from buyers drove the stock to $6.51. Actively observing the price movement in the last trading, the stock closed the session


Irobot Corp (NASDAQ: IRBT) 3.59% Incline Turns Investors Away

Irobot Corp (NASDAQ:IRBT) price closed higher on Monday, November 11 and jumping 3.59% above its previous close. A look at the daily price movement shows that the last close reads $6.97, with intraday deals fluctuated between $6.88 and $7.27. The company’s 5Y monthly beta was